History Hunters
Jeanie Johnston Tall Ship
Family Tour

The Jeanie Johnston Dublin Ship Tour

400 400 @MakePlayGo The Best Things to do in Dublin with Kids

Looking for interesting tours in Dublin for kids? A guided tour of the Jeanie Johnston Famine Ship will give children the opportunity to learn about the experiences of Irish emigrants as they set sail for new lands.

Once on board, visitors are transported back in time to join the poverty-stricken Irish emigrants in the 1850s as they boarded the sturdy ship for the difficult transatlantic voyage and uncertain future in the ‘New World’. Exploring a transatlantic passage full of hope but also the desperation to escape the hardship in Ireland during the Famine years.

The original Jeanie Johnston made 16 emigrant journeys to North America between 1847 and 1855, carrying over 2,500 people with no loss of life.

Daily tours begin AT THE SHIP which is located on Custom House Quay just downriver from the International Financial Services Centre and across the road from Jury’s Inn Hotel.

Tours last 50 minutes and after the tour, many visitors also visit the Famine Memorial Statues, which are located close by on Custom House Quay

Visitor Info

Custom House Quay, Dublin 1

Families, Children, Adults

Adult : €9.50 // Students & Seniors: €8.50 // Child: €5
Family (2+2): €20.00

+353 1 473 0111

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