Children's Workshop Dublin

Plaster Casting

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Children’s Workshops: Plaster Casting

As part of the Seedlings Workshop programme for children aged 2-4 years at The Ark Dublin 

Plaster is amazing! Its transforms from powder to liquid to solid, it warms up as it transforms and it can take as many shapes and forms as we ask it to. It’s a messy but exciting business!

To start, you will press things into brown clay to leave an impression (toys, fingers, shells), then you mix the lovely powder plaster with water and pour it onto the clay.

The plaster warms and then ‘sets’ (goes hard), you then peel the clay away from the plaster, to find a new plaster impression of our objects to paint and to take home! You can also try using other things as ‘moulds’ like orange peel, avocado skins and chestnuts.

The Arks’s Seedlings workshops offer opportunities to explore materials and the world around them through playful and engaging activities. Ideal for getting little ones (and their grown-up!) imagining and creating together.

[/vc_column_text][grve_title title=”Event Details: ” line_type=”line” line_width=”100″][vc_column_text]WHERE
The Ark, Dublin.
11a Eustace St,
Temple Bar, Dublin 2

Fri 2 Nov @ 10.15am & 2pm.
Sat 3 Nov @ 10.15am & 11.45am.

Ages 2-4
Duration 45mins

€11.50/€8.50 per child[/vc_column_text][grve_button btn_fluid=”yes” btn_fluid_height=”short” button_text=”Find Out More” button_link=”||target:%20_blank|”][vc_column_text]

All Seedling Workshops @ The Ark, Dublin

Plaster Casting – Nov 2nd & 3rd
Slime Sensorium – Nov 30th & Dec 1st
Sewing Someone to Love  – Jan 25th & 26th

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