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How to Catch a Star
Based on the beloved book by award-winning Irish author Oliver Jeffers, Branar Teatar do Pháistí present How to Catch a Star.
Once There was a boy who was always looking up. He dreamt of having a star as a friend. This is the story of his adventure.
This adaptation combines puppetry by Grace Kiely and Neasa Ní Chuanaigh with stunning puppets by Suse Reibish. With a magical original score by Colm Mac Con Iomaire and
directed by Marc Mac Lochlainn. Branar’s signature storytelling creates a show which reminds us all to follow our dreams.
Aged 4 upwards. Non-verbal show. Duration: approx 45 minutes
Limited tickets left (see tour dates below). Get our newsletter for updates and also don’t miss our Ultimate Guide to Christmas in Dublin with Kids to see all Christmas events happening in Dublin for kids.
Upcoming Touring Dates nearby:
5th – 30th December 2018 |
The Ark, Dublin
(excl 24th , 25th, 26th, 27th Dec)
€12.50/€9.50 / €5 schools
(01) 670 7788 | www.ark.ie I Limited Tickets Left
22nd – 24th November 2018
Draíocht, Blanchardstown
@ 10.15am & 12.15pm (22nd-23rd)
@ 2pm* & 4pm (24th)
SOLD OUT | www.draiocht.ie
29th November – 1st December 2018
Riverbank Arts Centre, Newbridge
@ 12pm + 2pm (1st Dec)
€7/Family Ticket €25
SOLD OUT| www.riverbank.ie
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